I just had to pop by before the big day to wish you all a Merry Christmas. I also wanted to show you my Christmas wreath which is proudly hanging here at Baggaley Cottage.
I evenly spaced Holly leaves with different coloured flowers.
I added pretty red beads for Holly berries and pearls for the flower centres. Are you ready?.....
Ta Daaaaa, I'm sooo pleased with how it turned out :)
I bought my polystyrene rings from e.bay. I found it was cheaper to buy a box of five rather than to buy them individually. I used creative cotton Aran weight yarn just because I love love love it!! And it looks so neat. Pearls and beads were from Hobby crafts. The Holly leaves were a Lucy of Attic 24 pattern.
Wreaths may be my new addiction!! I have plans for a Spring wreath, an Easter wreath, a Summer wreath, a Halloween wreath !!!!!!!!!!
I am determined to complete all projects over Christmas, including Gav's blanket!!
Have a lovely Christmas and a fantastic New Year my loves.
Goodbye for now and happy crochet x x x x x x x
Monday, 17 December 2012
Hello my loves,
I have missed you, I'm amazed I've finally managed to drop by!! The last few weeks have been hectic, you wouldn't believe what I've had to deal with!!!! A week with the flu, the dreaded OFSTED, lesson observation at school, lesson observation at college, a poorly Gavin and children, organising the Craft Fair and making sure it went well, and much more !!!!!
I must admit I have felt a bit 'bah humbug' about everything and really wanted to postpone Christmas. I've felt like time has been running away with me, soooo much to do and just not enough time to do it :(
But do you know what, I've got through it, hoorah :)
The Christmas Craft Fair gave me the lift I needed, it was a wonderful day. I managed to get 26 stall holders and just about managed to squeeze everyone in! The crafts on show were fabulous, the atmosphere was fantastic and everyone commented on how lovely it all was. And to top it off we raised the most money we ever have, I am thrilled. We hope to buy sensory equipment for our special children. With all the stress I promised never to organise another fair again, it was so successful though, how can I not! I am devastated, I didn't take one picture. I was so busy making sure everyone was alright it slipped my mind. So I'm sorry my loves I can't show you how fabulous it was, you'll all just have to come next time :) x
We finally got the decorations down from the loft on Saturday. I spent the day cleaning and decorating with the help of Daisy. Would you like to see some pics?
My favourite decorations are these.....
I bought them over the years from the German market that comes to town.
We also put out our reindeer....
I hung the bunting I made two years ago, it still looks pretty good...
I couldn't resist putting out the Santa and fairy Daisy and Charlie made a few years ago (I save everything they make).....
How cute x
We carefully put the paper chains away last year. They look fab, not a single crease.....
And the last thing to decorate was our tree. We have a real one every year. Gav and I pop out on our own to choose it, it is a real struggle choosing the right size, shape, it drives me crazy. This year we ordered one and had it delivered. I must say I was a little nervous as the net came off. To our amazement it is perfect, such a lovely shape. Would you like to see it?......
I absolutely love it, it smells so beautiful when I come down in the morning.
As we were putting on the decorations we chose our favourites, I thought I'd share a few with you...
This last one is a decoration I'd made last year.
After the Craft Fair I felt relieved to be able to make stuff for me. The first thing I wanted to make was a Christmas wreath. I've been meaning to make one for ages. Much to my delight as I was blog surfing Lucy of Attic 24 was making one and so was Matt of According to Matt. It was great to get inspiration from them and to see what they had come up with you can check out theirs here http://attic24.typepad.com/weblog/ and here http://accordingtomatt.blogspot.co.uk/ Before you pop over and have a look at theirs would you like to see mine?
I started by making a long strip of stripy goodness. I love these colours sooo much. I decided not to put any green into it so that the Holly shows up better.
My strip was 25 ch wide and using dc I kept going until it was long enough. I sewed it together at the end to form a ring. I then slotted my polystyrene ring into it and began to sew around keeping my stitches at the back. I love it x
I then made some Holly using Lucy's pattern. And now it looks like this....
I've got a long way to go and a lot more to add. The Holly is a fab pattern.....
Can you see the lovely little vains that run up the centre.
I don't want my wreath to be too fussy. I think I'm just going to make lot's of Holly and a few flowers and then I'll add some of these....
Little red beads and golden bells.
I might even use this instead of stitching.....
My new glue gun, a prezzie to myself. I can't honestly wait to use it!!!
Well my loves, it's been nice chatting to you but I really must get on with some Holly and flowers.
Speak to you soon my loves, I won't leave it so long next time.