Tuesday 6 September 2011

Back to school x

Good evening my loves.                                                                                                                        Well, another week has past us by and what a busy week it has been, I could do with a holiday-tee hee!!!
First of all this evening I'd like to show you the shrug I made on the return from France, I forgot about it last week.

Unfortunately I had to take the pic myself and the only long mirror is in the bathroom. Oh dear, I'll wait for Gav to come home next time!! Anyway I'm pleased with it and have worn it a few times.

Here at Baggaley Cottage we are trying to keep up with the gardening before the cold weather hits. This weekend we trimmed the bushes and planted one hundred daffodil bulbs.
Now, I do hope they'll come up. I'm a bit concerned, the dastardley squirrel has been in the garden every morning climbing up and down each branch of the Hazel Nut trees!! I feel a bit guilty after eating the Hazel nuts we harvested. If he can't find the nuts he might go for the bulbs. Look out squirrel I'm watching and waiting!!

At the beginning of the week I had a call from my friend Anita who owns the local yarn shop, knitworking. She has crocheted an 'open' sign and has it hanging from her door. A lady had shown interest and wanted her mums name crocheted. Anita put her in touch with me. What a coincidence after just finishing Charlie's name. It was when Anita said 'You not going to believe what her name is', the panic set in, I was expecting a really long name, it was....

Would you believe it! The scary thing was the lady had the same surname as me too. The patterns for the letters came from the fabulous 'Inside Crochet' magazine.
As a finishing touch to all of the items I make I add a hand made with love heart as you can see on the 'r'..

In between crocheting the name I have been busy with the Japanese blanket..

Its coming on slowly but surely, I only have five and a half balls of yarn to use before it's completed!!

As you may be aware my most favourite yarn to use is creative cotton, I love it and it comes in the most amazing vibrant colours. However something I am not pleased about is they have discontinued my most favourite colour, watermelon pink. Along with three others, how could they. At least replace it with a candy pink could you? Deary me!
After finishing the name I felt I needed a new project so decided to make another Blooming Flower cushion in the lovely creative cotton.....
I'm loving it, the watermelon is the centre colour.

Another project that's been on the go for a while is the Daisy cushion cover..

It's almost complete, but very annoying as each petal has to be crocheted seperatley and then the ends sewn in. I thought by putting it on my blog it might encourage me to complete it!! Well, you never know!!

Well, It's back to school for my children tomorrow. I'm back on Thursday. So, I'm off to prepare sandwiches and polish shoes before continuing with my flower cushion.

Night night and happy crocheting x x

(Spell check isn't working tonight, forgive my spelling mistakes).

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